Monday, March 11, 2013

Home Ownership is a very important part of the American Dream.

According to a national survey, confidence increased marginally among respondents with 73% at least somewhat confident in the recovering real estate market and property values.
The survey also shows that Millennials and Generation X place a higher importance on and hold more favorable views toward home ownership than older generations.

1- Home ownership remains important to 96% of Americans with 77% of respondents age 25-34 and 78% ages 35-44 indicating home ownership is "very important". More so, 74% of respondents agree that with interest rates at historically low levels now is a great time to buy a home.
There are some programs like FHA or CHFA that help buyers who qualify to purchase a home for as little as 3.5% down payment and with up to 6% of sellers concessions. A purchaser can also get a DAP (down payment assistant program), which they have to qualify for. With such a low interest rates a buyer can borrow money through some programs and pay $4.00 for every $1,000 they borrow, yes, FOUR dollars for every THOUSAND!

2- Space, safety and investment drive the reasons to own a home, with 97% respondents stating that home ownership allows for more control over living space.

I know it sounds repetitive, and everyone in our business is saying the same thing, but there is no better time to buy a home than now, for sure!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Let's talk about the perfect neighborhood!


There is an episode of the hit TV series "How I Met Your Mother" where the characters of Marshall and Lily decide to buy a home in a neighborhood they are unfamiliar with, only to learn later on that sits downwind from a sewer plant!
The message here is obvious: - A buyer must do his or her due diligence on prospective neighborhoods to make the best real estate decisions-

  • Investigate the local school district as good schools boost your property value.
  • Research the closest parks and community centers and consider how busy streets impact the neighborhood.
  • Profiling the perfect neighborhood also involves meeting prospective neighbors. Walk through the area and say hello to people, and ask them for their impressions of the neighborhood. While you are at it, look around. Are there lots of kids on the block? Do people walk or jog through the neighborhood at night? A neighborhood can speak volumes by itself.
  • Do not forget to map out stores and restaurants in the area. You may be used to a five minute drive to the local grocery store, only to find out that  your new home is 25 minutes away from the nearest place to buy milk.
  • Of course find out if your potential new home is part of a neighborhood association bearing regular fees, and if your community has lawn or construction restrictions.

With a little ground work you can help ensure that your dream house is surrounded by a dream neighborhood!

Happy house hunting!